The Lost Rabbit

Vinerra Vessali's origin story.

Once upon a time,

There was a rabbit named Vinerra; a shut-in who refused to let anyone in her life. She lived deep inside a magical forest, filled with purple wisteria trees which represents royalty, undying devotion and love that transcends time. Vinerra is the only rabbit who had a peculiar color amongst her kind; a shade of both Lilac and Carnation. Many other rabbits, even her own family, did not welcome her because she was "different" and was believed to be cursed. Due to this, Vinerra would always complain about her appearance. Whenever she stood in front of a mirror, she felt repulsed and wished she was just any other rabbit in her village. This had caused her to hate herself and refused herself to be seen by anyone else.

Vinerra would often have nightmares about the villagers and her family telling her to leave once and for all, even saying that she is damned for all eternity. She would go on nightly hops as a part of her routine as this is the only time that no one would be around to judge her, chase her away, or merely look at her with disgust.A butterfly with glass-like wings would often appear in front of her during her hops at night, as if leading her way. She would talk to it feeling that this pretty creature could understand her when no one else in the world did.
Finally, my very first friend! she says, with pure hapiness on her face as they wander into the night.

As Vinerra was hopping around the forest for her nightly hop, she noticed that it started to rain. From little droplets, it quickly became a storm. The magical forest rarely experience rain as one might think otherwise. Due to this, the rabbits in the village have little to no exposure to flood and so they are not in any way prepared to what is about to happen. Vinerra is aware of the danger that may lie ahead, and so she quickly tried to get back to the village as fast as she could but due to the wet and muddy ground, it made her trip back much more difficult as it was extremely slippery. Back at the village, everyone has started to panic because of the flood and no one was ready to evacuate. Vinerra's family decided to leave together with the villagers and did not bother to wait for her return. They only thought about themselves, not caring for their ill-fated family member whether she would even make it out alive. Her mother uttered; good riddance as she left with the family without looking back.

Vinerra on the other hand, was waiting for the storm to pass, hoping that everyone in the village is alright and well. She started making way as the rain slowly subsided. As she neared the village, she noticed that the main gate was open. She started shouting; Hello?! Is everyone alright?! but was left with no response. Everything was disarrayed - pots and pans on the floor, the doors were open but no one was inside. She quickly ran to her house, staring blankly at the empty space. The adrenaline rush has subsided which caused her to lose strength from her legs, falling on her knees. The tears from her eyes started to pour uncontrollably, as if it was the first time she finally let her feelings go. All the hatred, jealousy, sadness finally showed.Due to the shock of it all, Vinerra collapsed on the ground as her consciousness faded away.
I guess this is it. She mutters, as she slowly closed her eyes accepting death with open arms.

The butterfly suddenly appeared in front of her, showering star-like substance all around her senseless body. This caused a burst of glitters blinding everything in sight as Vinerra was transformed into a Lapicentaur; a half-human half-rabbit. Along with her transformation, the butterfly suddenly reappears as the goddess of Earth and Life Gaia. She leaned in, whispering;
May you forget all your memories and start anew with a bright future ahead.
After She bestowed Her blessing, Gaia disappeared into thin air. As the sun began to rise, Vinerra started gaining her consciousness. Woke up feeling confused, she asked herself; Where am I?